Private Transfer:From your hotel to Principote with mini bus - Mykonos Town, Greece
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At Elite Class Transfers, we are committed to delivering an unforgettable experience from start to finish. Our dedicated team is at your service, ensuring your comfort and satisfaction are our top priorities. We take pride in our personalized approach and our willingness to go the extra mile to meet your unique needs. Once you have booked your private transfer, we will contact you via whatsapp to confirm the details of your transfer. Once confirmed, we will send you the plate number, make, model, and color of the vehicle assigned to your transfer along with the driver’s name and contact info.

On the day of your transfer, the driver will meet you at the pick-up location on the selected date and time with a sign that clearly states the name of the primary guest.

Your driver will then load any luggage into the vehicle and make sure all passengers are present before beginning your transfer.

Your driver will take you the most direct route possible to ensure that you arrive at your destination at the estimated time.

You will be able to contact us via whatsapp 24/7 to communicate any changes or address any customer support issues.

Once booked, we will confirm your transfer via whatsapp to make sure we have the correct pick-up and drop-off locations, dates, and times.

We will need to collect electronic photo copies of the passports of every passenger to submit to the government authorities for tax purposes.

We will be available 24/7 via whatsapp to answer any questions you have about your booking.



Mykonos Private Transfers: enjoy the premium trasportation exprerience
Experience the ultimate luxury transportation with Elite Class Transfers!
Save yourself the hassle and expensive taxi prices upon arrival



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