Innsbruck: Private City Tour by a licenced "Austria Guide" - Tyrol, Austria
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On this walking Tour, together with your personal Guide, you will explore the center of Innsbruck, the so called “Old Town”. Set between the surrounding Northern and Central Alps, Innsbruck is since several thousand years a crossing between North- and Southeurope.
Todays Maria Theresien Straße was the first suburb of Innsbruck, several old baroque Town Palais of the then Nobel Families line the street. We will start our trip there, and then cross into the Old Town, the medival city center with many houses dating back to the times of Emperor Maximilain I. around 1500. Follow the narrow streets and get back into times, when international merchants brought their products from far countries into the town. From the name giving brige over the river Inn, we enjoy a spectacular view on the Northern Chain, the Alpine range north of the city. Back in the busy city, the Golden Roof, Innsbrucks best known sight seeing spot brings alive the time of the court of Emperor Maximilian and his family, the Habsburgs. We will enter the Dome of St. James and have a look at one of the most remarkable pieces of Art in Innsbruck, Lucas Cranach the Elder`s picture “Maria Hilf or Mary with Child”. The Dome is also burial place to one of the Souvereigns of Tyrol and well known for its splendid ceiling paintings and interior.
We will end our Tour in front of the Imperial Palace, home to the local Tyrolian branch of the Habsburg Family and the Court Church, memorial grave of Emperor Maximilian and most likely the most important and beautiful Grave of an Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.
For tours lasting 2 or more hours, we recommend – optionally – entries into either the Imperial Castle, the Court Church or any of the Museums in Town.
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Enjoy your Tour with a State registered and Certified local “Austria Guide”!
Maria Theresien Street – Historic Town Palais and Modern Shopping Centres
Old Town – The medival City Center takes you back into the time arround 1500.
The Golden Roof – Main Sigthseeing Spot and Symbol of Innsbruck
The Dome of St. James – Renaissance, Manirism and Baroque Art



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