Awakening at Awakening Theater at Wynn Las Vegas – Las Vegas, NV

Awakening at Awakening Theater at Wynn Las Vegas – Las Vegas, NV

34 34 people viewed this event.

Don’t miss this upcoming event in Las Vegas, NV Happening on Monday, February 3, 2025 at Awakening Theater at Wynn Las Vegas. Doors open at 9:30 PM.

All ticket sales are final and non-refundable. Tickets may not be sold for a price in excess of the printed value. Minimum age is 12 years old. Guests 18 years and under must be accompanied by an adult. Show dates, times and prices are subject to change without notice. Wynn Las Vegas LLC will not be held legally responsible for any consequential or incidental damages relating to show cancellation or change including transportation and hotel. Customers accept all customary risks associated with live entertainment No professional cameras, or flash photography. Accessible seating and Wireless devices are available. Box Office hours: Nights of shows only. For further information please call: (702) 770-7000

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Additional Details

Event ID - 17AYvOG65La3Puj

Event Venue - Awakening Theater at Wynn Las Vegas

Tickets-RSVP Link

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StubHub Ticket Link

Stubhub Purchase Ticket Button

Venue-Date-Time - Awakening Theater at Wynn Las Vegas-2025-02-03-21:30


Date And Time

Monday, February 3rd, 2025 @ 09:30 PM


Awakening Theater at Wynn Las Vegas


3131 Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89109

Event Types


Event Category

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