• Anywhere


Day 1: Start in Cusco; drive to Huancarani for breakfast, pass through the folkloric town of Paucartambo, and reach Acjanaco Pass. Hike to Balcon del Este for Amazon views and descend to San Pedro. Spot the Andean Cock of the Rock and rest at Rain fores Lodge.

Day 2: After breakfast, head to Atalaya pier with stops at coca plantations and hummingbird centers. Boat to Aguas Calientes, enjoy hotsprings, then continue to Palotoa Ecological Reserve. After lunch, hike to explore the Manu National Park and its diverse flora and fauna. Night tour post-dinner.

Day 3: Deep jungle exploration post-breakfast. Spot wildlife like monkeys, eagles, and tapirs. Learn about medicinal plants and survival techniques, such as tree climbing and water fetching. Return for dinner and have the option of a nocturnal tour.

Day 4: After breakfast, boat to Atalaya port and drive back to Cusco with several breaks. Arrive in Cusco by 06:00 PM.



Discover stunning views and encounter the Andean Cock of the Rock.
Enjoy a boat ride along and refreshing dip in natural thermal waters.
Explore the Palotoa Ecological Reserve and its diverse flora and fauna.
Learn about medicinal plants and survival skills.
Dive deeper into the Amazon Jungle with a guided hike spotting wildlife.



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