Half-Day Tour Through Cape Town's Townships - Cape Town, South Africa
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Imagine yourself as a guest strolling the streets of Cape Town’s Townships, with your own personal guide leading you through the homes, schools and gardens of the vibrant Townships of South Africa. With your personal guide, Camissa, you will become a part of the community.

Our half-day tour begins with an insightful visit to District Six. This former inner-city residential area is best known for its forceful removal of over 60,000 inhabitants during the 1970s Apartheid regime. Since 2003, however, a new life has been breathed into the community by former president Nelson Mandela, and you will see the benefits of this work today. During our stay in District Six, we will glimpse life in an up-close and intimate way, and Camissa’s knowledge will further your pleasure.

Comfortably drive on to Langa, the oldest of the Townships in Cape Town. Here we have the chance to meet the residents. With each new encounter, the experience comes to more and more to life!

Drive through Bonteheuwel — a township spawned from the residents of District Six, who were classified as “coloured.” After our stay, we depart to Gugulethu, home to some 300,000 residents today. The name derives from “igugu lethu”, which translates in Xhosa as ‘our pride.’ You will soon discover why this Pride has helped South Africa transform out of its dark days to the vibrant communities you have witnessed during your day.

The day culminates with the chance to visit Creche, with the Gugulethu Seven Memorial and Amy Bichel Memorial. The first of these works was built to commemorate the death of seven youths fighting against Apartheid. However, you will soon discover its magic, as the light shines through the empty space, bringing all those who died back to life in a powerful way.

We end our day with a pleasant drive back to your hotel.



Enjoy a personally guided tour of Cape Town’s Townships
Experience a walking tour of Langa
Stop at Gugulethu
Hear about Guglethu Seven Memorial
Learn about the Amy Bichel Memorial to honor the nation’s struggles against violence



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