Corso Barman Advanced - Lombardy, Italy
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Corso Barman Advanced is developed in 3 days, for a total of 24 hours. It is necessary to complete your professional preparation in the field of American Bartending and mixed drinking.
Through this course, the skills of the Bartender are completed by increasing the variety of mixing drinks. Refinement of calling order techniques (up to 10 drinks at the same time), advanced mixing. Each student will have a fully equipped workstation with original American materials.

The points schedule below:
-Review of the correct American working techniques
-Pour test round – speed round
-Learning how to make 10 drinks at the same time
-Bar Tricks
-Final exam: pour test round and speed round test

The teaching of our lessons is always entrusted to professionals of international level with the help of tutors, and usually with video/paper supports.
BarmanOnLine issues, for each single course, Certificate and Certification of skills valid throughout the National and International territory translated into 6 languages; as well as HACCP Certification (qualified operator in the food sector mandatory for the administration of drinks) in partnership with Ente Accreditato Accredia e Certificato ISO9001, recognized throughout Europe.



Improve American techniques to be a perfect bartender
The drinks are prepared with real materials, to better learn their preparation
Our trainers are expert Bartenders



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