• Anywhere


Avoid waiting in line or queue by pre-booking your tickets to the Pyramids of Giza Plateau.
Make sure to obtain the QR tickets from your supplier one day prior to your visit. Please be aware that the QR GetYourGuide confirmation only serves as a booking confirmation and cannot be used as an entrance ticket. Your supplier will send you another QR ticket, authorized by the Ministry of Tourism, one day before your visit. If you happen to book on the same day, our supplier will contact you directly to send the tickets as soon as possible.
On the day of your visit, it may be necessary to go through a security check before entering the museum. Present your QR code to the staff, who will then scan it to grant you access. If someone informs you that your ticket is not valid, contact your supplier immediately and do not make any additional payments.

Most visitors will make a beeline straight to the four most famous sights; the Great Pyramid of Khufu, the Pyramid of Khafre, the Pyramid of Menkaure, and the Sphinx. But for those who want to explore further, the desert plateau surrounding the pyramids is littered with tombs, temple ruins, and smaller satellite pyramids.



Get your QR tickets from the supplier one day before the trip
See the Pyramids of Giza and the Great Sphinx
Learn about Egyptian Civilization
Discover the history and culture of ancient Egypt



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