• Anywhere


Sun Pyramids Tours representative will pick you up from your hotel, to enjoy a great excursion to The Pyramids of Cheops, Chephren and Mykerinus. Then proceed to visit the Great Sphinx, which dates back to the time of Chephren and visit to the ValleyTemple, proceed to visit Mohamed Ali Alabaster Mosque inside the Citadel of Salah El Din and then visit old Cairo where you can visit The Hanging Church in Coptic Cairo, Visit the Holy Cave that located at Abu Sergha Church it is the place where the Holy Family stayed during their holy trip to Cairo .
Back to hotel after your trip.



Have a wonderful excursion to the Great Pyramids of Giza
Discover Egypt’s most prominent landmarks, The Great Sphinx.
Get ready for a magical, historical and religious tour.
proceed to Old Cairo to visit numerous religious constructions.
Visit the Citadel of Salah El Din to discover several historical events



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