• Anywhere


You’ll start your adventure with an early pickup before heading to the elephant sanctuary. ElephantsWorld is a conservation organization dedicated to helping these intelligent and proud creatures. Once there, you’ll listen to an introduction and safety briefing before preparing food for the elephants.

Get down and dirty and give the elephants a mud bath before heading to the river to rinse them off. There will be some time to shower before you tuck in to a delicious buffet lunch. After helping yourself to delicious Thai dishes, feed the elephants the food you prepared earlier.

At Erawan National Park, you’ll trek through the lush forests and caves before arriving at Erawan Waterfall. This famous seven-tiered beauty with its emerald pools is a great place to take a dip or simply relax and enjoy the scenery.



Visit the ElephantsWorld sanctuary
Bathe, feed, and interact with Thailand’s proud giants
Trek through the lush forests of Erawan National Park
Admire the seven-tiered beauty of the Erawan Waterfall
Take photos of the surrounding scenery



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