Italian breakfast and visit to the Chiostro dello Scalzo - Florence, Italy
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When you enter a bar in the morning, in Italy you see people in front of the counter of croissants and croissants, which are offered in the most varied declinations: empty, wholemeal with honey, with cream, chocolate or jams, puff pastry with rice cream, rice pastries in shortcrust pastry, cream puffs, bull’s eyes and all the typical morning pastries. Then you have to go to the coffee counter to order an espresso, which we simply call coffee. It doesn’t matter to specify, because in Italy a coffee already means an espresso. Coffee in the morning also has the macchiato and cappuccino as competitors, but only in the morning, strictly! Do you want to learn how to have breakfast like real Italians? On this occasion we will show you how Italians eat breakfast and we will reveal all the secrets of breakfast at the bar!
We will then enter the Chiostro dello Scalzo, a place of the spirit of the Renaissance, away from the multitude of visitors, a place of peace, where medieval and Renaissance life can still be felt today. Sixteenth-century masterpiece by Andrea del Sarto, the “mistake-free painter” who lived in the time of Michelangelo and Leonardo. It is the most spectacular cycle of monochrome frescoes in the world. A lively tale in a muffled and monastic atmosphere, an all-Italian morning that you will never forget!



Enjoy a complete breakfast in Italian Style
Visit the Chiostro dello Scalzo, a place of the spirit of the Renaissance
It is the most spectacular cycle of monochrome frescoes in the world



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