Enter the dark side of Winston-Salem’s history, with this tour that focuses on the strangest and most fascinating crimes, mayhem, and drama that shook the Camel City.



Explore the dark side of Winston-Salem’s history, from a mysterious murder committed by a serial prison escape artist, to the rise of one of America’s most infamous cult leaders to the inexplicable murder of an entire family, join us on the Winston-Salem True Crime Tour to hear the darkest stories from Winston-Salem’s past.

These tours focus on the strangest and most unusual crimes in Winston-Salem’s history. Join us for this hour-long excursion into the world of the weird, unexpected, disturbing, and strange stories of crime: all of which are true events.



Hear stories of the strangest true crime events in the city’s history
Travel to sites related to each of the true crimes
Explore downtown Winston-Salem, but with a darker perspective



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