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Visit the pyramids of Lord of Sican (Lambayegue-Culture) on a typical Peruvian Paso Horse and ride through world’s largest dry forest.
Learn about Peruvian culture and the archaeological sites of the pre-Inca period of northern Peru
From the horse farm, we ride through the largest dry forest in the world, the Historic Sanctuary of Pomac and visit the Temple of the Lord of Sicán (Batangrande) Huaca Sontillo. From above the temple we appreciate a beautiful view over the forest and the pyramids.
Then we continue riding towards the temples Lerchanlech, Huaca las Ventanas and Huaca de Oro, where the tomb of the Lord of Sicán was found.
There is the possibility to pick you up at the airport, bus terminal or hotel in the city of Chiclayo.



Ride on a typical Peruvian Paso horse visiting ancient temples of Northern Peru
Learn about Peruvian culture
appreciate the beautiful landscape of Northern Peru



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