Paris : Bake and design your own macarons with fun - Paris, France
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Nota: All people staying at the workshop must have made their reservation. it is therefore not possible to stay just to observe. Children up 5 y.o. can join the class.

A bowl of ingredients, called “tant pour tant” is available for each traveler. For this foolproof method of macaron shells, I plan to have them make an Italian meringue. It’s a bit technical but it works well and takes less time. Of course, I explain the other method to them so that they know what they are doing. All the tips will be disseminated so that they succeed in their experience once at home.
Once the dough is obtained, very shiny after macaroning, I show how to use the piping bag to fill it without wasting anything. It’s very basic!
Now comes the time when you have to dress or pipe this dough. I make an example first on round templates and then I show them how to make drawings on each shell, with a smaller double nozzle. This step is fun and very popular because travelers can then personalize their macarons. Depending on the quality of the work, they make 15 macaroons each, which they can take away in a box provided for this purpose.
During the cooking, I show them how to make a raspberry ganache, which they will put in their macarons.



Come discover the village of Monmartre at 20 min from the Workshop
Kids friendly 8 years at least
I made my self every recipe since 15 years



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