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Barbagia is fascinating area of Sardinia; an initial discovery reveals a terrain rugged yet articulated (perhaps the wildest on the Island), and a world where customs and traditions pair with a generous people. It is a life characterized and preceded by millennia of fascinating history. In its east is the Supramonte Ogliastrino, a chalky plateau dominated by Monte Corrasi (4, 800 ft high) and extending throughout the territories of Oliena, Orgosolo, Dorgali, Bunei and Urzulei. It is jaw-dropping and spectacular, cut by deep, jagged valleys (called codule) that lead towards the sea by piercing the calceous littoral walls. The result is a spectacular landscape characterized by gorges and cliffs. Orgosolo where we will go is at the heart of this region, a town known in the past as the capital of the bandits but, nowadays, it is just an open air museum full of tourists which come to see its murales.



Discover the Sham of the Virgins (grotta di Ispiningoli) in Dorgali
The fantastic landscape of the Supramonte and the murals of Orgosolo
Enjoy the typical shepherds lunch in the forest of the Supramonte.



Discover more exciting & fun things to do in Supramonte

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