• Anywhere


If you are an avid lover of ancient history than My Son Sanctuary is a must see! My Son Sanctuary is located in the upper area of Thu Bon River, Da Nang City and is about 20km from Tra Kieu citadel west, in an area of the narrow valley. It is a cluster of Hindu temples located in the Duy Phu commune, Duy Xuyen district. It was once a place of worship where the Cham-Pa (known as Cham people, today) would make sacrifices to the Gods. Built between the 4th – 13th century A.D., this famous architectural complex of the Cham was built to worship the god Shiva. Our guide will show you all history of Cham peolple as well as the way to worship of Hindu Gods. In this tour, you have a chance to watch a Cham dancing show perform by Cham people .It was recognised as a world cultural heritage site in 1999 by UNESCO.



Discover a unique heritage site of the ancient civilization in Central Vietnam
Beat the crowds and enjoy the site for yourself with the early morning start
Immerse yourself in local traditions and flavors over a noodle breakfast with co



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