• Anywhere


This is will be highlights and local experience tour. getting closer to “look” more of this city. Exploring the central part as the new of Jakarta and continue to the west and north as the old part of this city with China Town , Dutch historical town and old harbour.

Start the tour by visiting the north, exploring sunda kelapa harbour, the old harbour and historical harbour in Jakarta. Enjoy this harbour by boating with the traditional boat belong to local people to exploring the canal and enjoying the view of wooden ship called Phinisi. You might also visit the fish harbour to see the fisherman activities.

And next you will continue to look at the Batavia old town with the historical panoramic of Dutch colonial buildings. walking at Fatahillah square in the old town area with some important buildings that become museums. If u like arts you can visit the puppet maker and watch the explanation.

From the old city you will continue to to Jakarta China Town. At China town you will visit the oldest Chinese temple that built on 1650 popular as named Petak sembilan and then walking tour at the local market at China Town.

Afterwards you will drive to the downtown of the city. visiting the merdeka square and sigh seeing the president palace and government buildings. stop at national monument for photo stop and continue to visit Istiqlal Mosque and Katedral church. Istiqlal Mosque is the biggest mosque in south east Asia, represent Indonesia as the biggest muslim population country in the world. You will exploring and enjoy tour on Istiqlal and know more about Muslim in Indonesia.



Learn Jakarta History and enjoy the of Jakarta
Discover the real life of Jakarta people
Enjoy the local experience in jakarta



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