• Anywhere


Our day of exploration promises an unforgettable adventure through the natural beauty of Purwokerto. From the cascading waterfalls to the serene lakes and volcanic springs, this journey offers a unique opportunity to connect with Indonesia’s natural wonders. Join us as we embark on a day of pure nature, adventure, and discovery in one of Indonesia’s most captivating regions.

**What we will do**
We will meet at the Purwokerto train station at 09:31 AM if you catch the train (Fajar Utama YK 141) at 07:00 am from Yogyakarta. Look for me holding up a sign that says Pure Nature Lovers .

Upon arrival, we’ll embark on a delightful 20-minute journey, either by private car or shuttle bus, depending on our group’s size.
Our destination is the enchanting Green Jewel Waterfall, accessible via a picturesque walk through a bamboo forest.
Here, nestled in the heart of the jungle, you’ll find a breathtaking turquoise waterfall awaiting you. Feel free to take a refreshing swim in its captivating blue-green waters, surrounded by vibrant vegetation.

Afterward, we’ll take a short 5-minute drive through lush rice field terraces to a quaint local “warung” (restaurant) constructed entirely from bamboo. Here, you can savor delectable local cuisine while enjoying a spectacular hillside view.

Our next stop, just a 10-minute car or shuttle bus ride away, is Meditation Lake.
Legend has it that this lake was once a meditation spot for Hindu and Buddhist monks, and its waters are believed to possess healing properties.
Dive into its crystal-clear turquoise waters, where the lake’s floor is visible at a depth of 6 meters.

Now, let’s explore my personal favorite destination! It’s just a quick 10-minute car ride through a serene pine forest, followed by a leisurely 500-meter walk down into the heart of a valley nestled beside a volcanic peak.

Here, you’ll discover a captivating site featuring not only seven volcanic springs but also a mesmerizing volcanic waterfall.
The water, heated by the nearby volcano, can reach temperatures of 80 to 90 degrees Celsius. Rich in sulfur and other beneficial minerals for the skin, you’ll even have the option to experience a soothing volcanic sulfur massage.
Nearby, you can immerse yourself under the volcanic waterfall, surrounded by pristine jungle. Take your time to savor the natural beauty of this place.

**Throughout our journey, you’ll have the opportunity to witness**
– The Green Jewel Waterfall
– Authentic rice field terraces
– Meditation Lake
– Volcanic Hot Springs and Waterfall

Finally, we’ll return to the train station, ensuring you catch your train back to Yogyakarta, departing at 05:32 PM.



Explore the Green Jewel Waterfall in a bamboo jungle, swim in turquoise waters
Savor local delights at a bamboo “warung” with hillside views and rice terraces
Dive into crystal-clear waters, steeped in legends and healing powers
Explore captivating seven volcanic springs and a mesmerizing hot waterfall



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