• Anywhere


Immerse yourself in the coastal culture of southern Sri Lanka on this all-encompassing day trip. After getting picked up from your hotel in Kalutara, head to your first stop of the day, the Handunugoda Tea Factory and learn the history and production processes of the highly sought-after virgin white tea that this factory produces.

Afterward, travel to Ahangama to observe the stilt fishermen, who are one of the most iconic figures in Sri Lanka. Watch them as they fish and get the chance to learn how to fish for yourself from one of the fishermen. Stop for lunch at the location of your choice before heading to the coastal city of Galle. Visit Galle Fort, the Galle Lighthouse, the National Maritime Museum, the picturesque cobblestoned streets with their Dutch names, and many more colonial remnants.

Finally, visit the Kosgoda Turtle Hatchery. Spend some time learning about the 5 turtle species that visit Sri Lanka for nesting and get to see and touch baby turtles. Pay a visit to the turtle hospital where adult turtles get treated for injuries. At the end of your visit, get dropped off back at your hotel.



Explore a tea factory located by the sea
Meet the local stilt fishermen in Ahangama
Get up close and personal with baby turtles



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