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We will pick you up from your respective hotels at the time indicated by your transfer driver so that you can take the City Tour in the wonderful city of Cusco, which begins at 1:45 pm in the afternoon and ends at approximately 6:45 pm). city tour in Cusco lasts approximately 4 hours, visiting 6 of its main tourist attractions, including archaeological and religious attractions of the city of Cusco:

The Temple of Qoricancha: The convent of Santo Domingo in Cusco is the oldest religious construction in South America, known as the “Temple of the Sun.”

Currently you can see the wonderful Inca architecture combined with Spanish architecture, which constitutes a sample of our mestizo culture.

The Cathedral: The Cathedral Basilica of the city of Cusco was built by indigenous Cusco labor and directed by the Spanish. It also has the best finished expressions of colonial goldsmithing as well as wood carving and a valuable collection of canvases from the so-called “Cusqueña School”.

Saqsayhuaman: It is one of the Inca constructions that most amazes tourists who, according to new hypotheses, indicate that it would have been a very important Inca ceremonial center and not a fortress as previously believed.

Its construction took more than seven decades and required the force of some 20,000 men, both in the foundation work and in the quarries.

Qenqo: Ceremonial and ritual center, it was an amphitheater where sacrifices were made, it is said to have been an Inca shrine. Its construction is from stones. There are passages, canals and stairs with engravings that represent the puma, a very sacred animal for the Incas.

Puca Pucara: Old dairy farm, a surveillance post along the Inca trails, this archaeological site has: enclosures, interior plazas, bathrooms, aqueducts, watchtowers and an easily recognizable Inca trail. In short, the urban layout is extremely appropriate and functional.

Tambomachay: Through its steps you can see crystalline water falls and according to what is stated here, the liquid element for the Incas was worshiped, which is Water .

They will be returning to the city of Cusco at approximately 6:30 in the afternoon.



The Qoricancha Temple: known as the “Temple of the Sun”.
valuable collection of canvases from the so-called “Cusqueña School”.
Qenqo: Ceremonial and ritual center, it was an amphitheater



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