• Anywhere


Pick up at your hotel reception between 7:00 – 7:30 a.m. depending on traffic, it is important to be waiting at the hotel reception from 7:00 a.m.

Trip of approximately 1 or 1:30 hour from the city of Chiang Mai to the Elephant Sanctuary in our official approved and air-conditioned transport.

1. Arrival and presentation about the Elephant Sanctuary, their work towards these beloved animals, introduction to the elephants that reside in the sanctuary, explanation of where they come from and where they were rescued from while we learn more about their physiognomy, behavior and diet.
2. Explanation of the behavior that we must respect in the facilities in order to ensure a unique experience and good behavior towards the elephants that reside there.
3. We will wear the traditional Mahout or elephant caretaker clothing typical of Northern Thailand.
4. We will greet the elephants with our own basket of bananas and help feed them.
5. We will respectfully interact with our elephant family while learning about their behavior and past.
6. We will help in the hygiene and care of the elephant in the river. We adapt to the elephants and they do not adapt to us. In the rare case that the elephant does not want to take the bath at that time, we will adapt to it.
7. We will enjoy Thai food suitable for all palates.

45 minute or 1 hour trip to the National Park with our official and approved transportation while we enjoy the natural environment that surrounds us.

We will reach the top to visit the highest point in Thailand, taking a short walk between wooden walkways and moss to visit the mausoleum where the ashes of Inthawichayanon, the seventh ruling prince of Chiang Mai, rest. This point is also known as the roof of Thailand , a height of 2,565 meters. Due to the high altitude the climate is much cooler than in other areas of Thailand.

The next stop will be at the two pagodas at the top that were built in honor of King Rama 9 and the Queen of Thailand. We will enjoy its impressive interior with images of representations of Buddha and we will walk through its magnificent gardens with beautiful flowers and plants along with magnificent views of the valley.

Later we will go hiking or “trekking” for approximately 1 hour and a half where we will be able to get to know the tropical fauna of northern Thailand and some of its spectacular waterfalls while we discover and enter the monsoon rainforest at the top of the Doi Inthanon National Park, the last Eden of the Himalayas.

Stop to see a tribal market and its products grown in the area. In it we can have an idea of the food and crafts offered in the area and we can even try it if we wish.

1.5 hour return trip to Chiang Mai with our official and approved transport
Final at your hotel around 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.



Visit to the best elephant recovery center.
Doi Inthanon National Park, the highest mountain in Thailand.
Hiking to waterfalls in the forest at the top of the Doi Inthanon National Park



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