• Anywhere


Your exploration of the dark hours of Barcelona’s history begins near the Rambla, on the edge of the ancient medieval walls. In the 19th century, the destruction of many convents in this area gave rise to the shallows of the Raval, a dark and unfamiliar neighbourhood where the sinister Enriqueta Martí, better known as “la Vampira de Barcelona”, committed terrible crimes.
Just a short distance away, in the Barri Gòtic, the whole medieval history of Barcelona is on offer, from the difficult cohabitation between Christians and Jews to the construction of churches in which gargoyles tormented witches, just as the devil tormented the men. Between these alleys and squares, macabre political and religious conspiracies were played out, such as the attempted assassination of the Catholic King Ferdinand II of Aragon, or the tragic trials of the Holy Inquisition.
Crossing the Via Laietana, you will then enter the Born, the former district of craftsmen and merchants, where the ungodly customs of the people formed the breeding ground for the darkest legends. Jacint Verdaguer, a very important figure in 19th century Catalonia, is said to have practised exorcism in the neighbourhood.
Finally, near the church of Santa Maria del Mar, our visit will end between Le Fossar de les Moreres, a memorial to the War of the Spanish Succession, and the Born market, where heretics burned at the stake of the Holy Inquisition, offering an unbearable spectacle to the people of Barcelona. Creepy enough to give you goose bumps…



2h30 night-time quest
Have a true local show you around
Discover the areas of Raval & El Born
Learn scary stories you’ll be able to tell for years to come



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