Nelly with Ja Rule, Eve and Special Guests: Where The Party At Tour at Ascend Amphitheater – Nashville, TN

Nelly with Ja Rule, Eve and Special Guests: Where The Party At Tour at Ascend Amphitheater – Nashville, TN

Don’t miss this upcoming event in Nashville, TN Happening on Tuesday, September 16, 2025 at Ascend Amphitheater. Doors open at 8:00 PM.

Please be advised that row and seat numbers on Lawn tickets are strictly for box office tracking. The lawn is all general admission, first-come first-served.

Purchase Nelly with Ja Rule, Eve and Special Guests: Where The Party At Tour Tickets Below:

Tickets/RSVP Link
Purchase Tickets on Ticketmaster Stubhub Purchase Ticket Button

Additional Details

Event ID - G5viZbb39ZKCG

Event Venue - Ascend Amphitheater

Tickets-RSVP Link

Purchase Tickets on Ticketmaster

StubHub Ticket Link

Stubhub Purchase Ticket Button

Venue-Date-Time - Ascend Amphitheater-2025-09-16-20:00


Date And Time

Tuesday, September 16th, 2025 @ 08:00 PM


Ascend Amphitheater


First Street and Demonbreun, Nashville, TN 37203

Event Types


Event Category

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