THE USED: 25 Year Anniversary Tour (3-Day Pass) at The Union – Salt Lake City, UT

THE USED: 25 Year Anniversary Tour (3-Day Pass) at The Union – Salt Lake City, UT

Don’t miss this upcoming event in Salt Lake City, UT Happening on Saturday, May 3, 2025 at The Union. Doors open at .

Postfontaine Presents: THE USED: 25 Year Anniversary Tour at The Union.

Purchase THE USED: 25 Year Anniversary Tour (3-Day Pass) Tickets Below:

Tickets/RSVP Link
Purchase Tickets on Ticketmaster Stubhub Purchase Ticket Button

Additional Details

Event ID - G5vzZb9Ep7py5

Event Venue - The Union

Tickets-RSVP Link

Purchase Tickets on Ticketmaster

StubHub Ticket Link

Stubhub Purchase Ticket Button

Venue-Date-Time - The Union-2025-05-03-


Date And Time

Saturday, May 3rd, 2025


The Union


235 N 500 W, Salt Lake City, UT 84116

Event Types


Event Category

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