SOURS! Cocktail Seminar at Southern Food and Beverage Museum & Museum of the American Cocktail – New Orleans, LA

SOURS! Cocktail Seminar at Southern Food and Beverage Museum & Museum of the American Cocktail – New Orleans, LA
Don’t miss this upcoming event in New Orleans, LA. Happening on Monday, March 31, 2025 at Southern Food and Beverage Museum & Museum of the American Cocktail. Doors open at 5:00 PM.
Dale and Phil will take you through an entertaining history of cocktails, focusing on that beautiful marriage of sweet, sour and strong, from Punch to the Cosmo to the Whiskey Smash and beyond! We’ll be offering classics like the Sidecar and Daiquiri, made with Maison Ferrand Cognac 1840, Ferrand Dry Curacao, and Planteray 3 Stars white rum, along with Fresh Victors excellent bottled citrus products. Dales iconic book The New Craft of the Cocktail and Phils brand new SOURS: The History of the Worlds Most Storied Cocktail Style will also be available for purchase and signature. Tickets are $25 until midnight March 28, $35 thereafter, so get your tickets early!
Purchase SOURS! Cocktail Seminar Tickets Below:
Tickets-RSVP Link