The RNB Brunch Experience – Huntsville, AL

The RNB Brunch Experience – Huntsville, AL
Don’t miss this upcoming event in Huntsville, AL. Happening on Sunday, March 9, 2025 at Stovehouse Event Center. Doors open at 2:00 PM.
So what is the R&B brunch experience?
Nobody knows!
No one can really explain it because there is no other event like it.
But it’s definitely a great time.
Of course it’s a combination of good food, strong drinks, and great music!
But it’s also an emotional roller coaster.
A travel back in time.
A fashion show, a photo shoot.
It’s a day party, a family reunion, a dinner party, and a kick back.
It’s a concert, church and karaoke.
We take you through each decade of R&B classics.
We revisit the pain of your first break up and then praise the Lord that you got out.
We relive some of the best R&B movie soundtracks and do every line dance you can think of.
This is a very exclusive event. Every show has sold out weeks in advanc.
Tickets are for Admission and entertainment only.
To avoid taxes and fees, or for any questions text 256-566-5715.
Very Respectfully
Klark Anthony
Purchase The RNB Brunch Experience Tickets Below:
Tickets-RSVP Link