March Comedy Night at Urban Apples – Westfield, IN

March Comedy Night at Urban Apples – Westfield, IN
Don’t miss this upcoming event in Westfield, IN. Happening on Friday, March 7, 2025 at 18326 Spring Mill Rd. Doors open at 5:00 PM.
Join us for our March Comedy Night on Friday, March 7th.This is a 21+ event held in our Bar{n}. Tickets will include one drink ticket. Doors will open at 5pm. The show will begin at 7:30pm and go till 9pm. We will take food orders from 5pm – 7pm. Once the show starts, we will only take drink orders. This will be open seating so grab any table and enjoy the show!
Ossia Dwyer is an instantly endearing and overly self aware comic from Cincinnati, OH by way of Vermont. Her sincerity, dry delivery, and self-awareness has made her both a crowd and comic favorite! Ossia has opened for national acts like Matteo Lane, Sean Patton, and Dave Attell. Her debut comedy special ‘Knockout’ can be streamed on YouTube.
Garrett Titlebaum is a comedy powerhouse with all the charm of a sitcom star. Known for his quick wit, sharp observations, and questionable dance moves, Garrett lights up every stage he steps onto with a mix of clever storytelling, absurd scenarios, and just the right amount of self-deprecation to keep his ego in check. Garrett has featured at Go Bananas Comedy Club and hosts a monthly comedy game show at Commonwealth Sanctuary. He’s shared the stage with Jimmy Pardo, Todd Barry and James Adomian.
Purchase March Comedy Night at Urban Apples Tickets Below:
Tickets-RSVP Link