Reggaeton Rave (18+) at House of Blues Orlando – Orlando, FL

Reggaeton Rave (18+) at House of Blues Orlando – Orlando, FL

Don’t miss this upcoming event in Orlando, FL Happening on Friday, December 27, 2024 at House of Blues Orlando. Doors open at 9:00 PM.

Doors – 9:00pm Show – 9:00pm The concert venue is general admission standing. This event is ages 18+. For accessible seating the guest must purchase a g.a. standing ticket and arrive to the venue at 20 minutes before door time and be waiting on the accessible ramp and the guest with accessible needs is allowed one guest with them. We encourage you to review our safety and security information below prior to arriving at the venue. Please arrive early to the venue to allow enough time for you and your guests to move through the queue and enter the venue. Prior to entering the venue, guests will be searched (patted down or mag wanded) to ensure that nothing on the restricted list of items enters the building. You may be asked to empty your pockets of all items so that they can be examined. All alcohol and narcotic laws will be strictly enforced. All bags will be searched, and no large bags or backpacks will be allowed.

Purchase Reggaeton Rave (18+) Tickets Below:

Tickets/RSVP Link
Purchase Tickets on Ticketmaster Stubhub Purchase Ticket Button

Additional Details

Event ID - 15eFZbbbfudC6

Event Venue - House of Blues Orlando

Tickets-RSVP Link

Purchase Tickets on Ticketmaster

StubHub Ticket Link

Stubhub Purchase Ticket Button

Venue-Date-Time - House of Blues Orlando-2024-12-27-21:00


Date And Time

Friday, December 27th, 2024 @ 09:00 PM


House of Blues Orlando


1490 East Lake Buena Vista Dr, Orlando, FL 32830

Event Types


Event Category

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