• Anywhere


Day 1: Lima – Huancaya
Between 3:00 and 3:30 a.m., we will pick you up at the different meeting points located in Lima and we will go by minibus that will take us to the province of Yauyos. At approximately 12:00 noon we will arrive in Huancaya, one of the towns that make up the Nor Yauyos-Cochas Landscape Reserve.

After settling into our rooms, we will enjoy a delicious lunch. With our batteries recharged, we will travel to the Huallhua Lagoon, where we will board a boat to visit one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the area.

After this canoe ride, we will go to different viewpoints to contemplate from an unforgettable perspective the Carhuayno, Quinllo, Cabracancha waterfalls or the Colonial bridge.

To end the day in the best possible way, we will have a delicious dinner at the hotel.

Day 2: Huancaya – Lima
We will rest at the hotel and at 7:00 a.m. we will take energy with a delicious breakfast. We will get ready for a day full of adventures and travel to Vilca, the first stop of the day. We will take a guided tour of the town and approach the San Cristobal viewpoint, a perfect place from which to contemplate the Nor Yauyos-Cochas Landscape Reserve.

We will enter this reserve in search of the Papacocha Lagoon, the Forest of Love or the Eden waterfall, places that will captivate you from the first moment! After this route through Peruvian nature, we will return to Huancaya, where we will have lunch before arriving in Lima.

We will end this 2-day tour arriving in the capital of Peru at the end of the day.

This tour includes one night accommodation with breakfast, two meals and dinner in a rural house in Huancaya, with shared bathroom.



Explore high Andean lagoons, learn about traditions and capture scenic moments.
Inca de Laraos platforms.
History of the Pishtacos.



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