• Anywhere


We will start the day by picking you up from your hotel between 3:45 to 4:00 a.m. to transfer you to the train station in Ollantaytambo, where you will board the train at around 6:10 a.m. The train will take you to km 104 of the railway line, where you will start your 2-day Inca Trail trek. Here, you will meet your tour guide and pass the control point for the Inca Trail.

On the first day, we will begin with a 3-hour uphill hike to the Wiñaywayna archaeological complex, where you will have time to explore and listen to a guided explanation of the ruins. Afterward, you will have lunch and continue walking for another 2 hours to the Intipunku Sun Gate, from where you will have a spectacular view of Machu Picchu. We will then continue walking for about 45 minutes to Machu Picchu, where you will have time to take pictures and explore the ancient city.

After your visit to Machu Picchu, you will take a bus for 30 minutes to the nearby town of Aguas Calientes, where you will spend the night in a hotel and enjoy a delicious dinner at one of the town’s restaurants.

Highlight: Trekking the Inca Trail, enjoying the views from the Sun Gate, sunset views from Machu Picchu.
Walking Distance: 15 km / 8 miles
Meals: B + L
Elevations: Trek starting point 2,000 m, the highest point is Sun Gate 2,720 m, the hotel is at 2,000 m
Weather: Hot and humid
Accommodation: Hotel night in Aguas Calientes



The Sun Gate, also known as Intipunku, is the entrance to Machu Picchu
Visiting Machu Picchu is undoubtedly the highlight of the trek
Enjoy The trail offers breathtaking views of the Andes Mountains, lush forest.



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